The Old Testament book of Daniel invites us to enter into what it means for God’s people to have hope in a time of turmoil and live faithfully as followers of Jesus. The story revolves around a group of Israelites who are taken captive from their homeland and exiled into the foreign and hostile land of Babylon. Yet the story reveals that God remains sovereign and in control. He is not confined to particular places or to familiar surroundings. God is to be found in strange lands and at strange times and to heights and depths that we do not expect. This is true even when surrounding events and powers of darkness are disrupting the peace and seem incredibly overwhelming. And so the story of Daniel invites us to explore and consider what it means to live faithfully as followers of Jesus in strange times and also in our modern world today.
Listen again
Greg Whittick shares on the final chapter of the book of Daniel and covers how we can have hope in the resurrection, the return of Jesus, the reassurance for the faithful and the restraining hand of God.
Phil Norris shares on Daniel’s prayer, God’s righteousness and the promise of the coming kingdom, from Daniel 9
Robin Mendelsohn shares on Daniel’s Vision, from Daniel 7, and explores how this foretold the coming of Jesus, the Son of Man, and despite the rise and fall of many empires God is on the throne and in control
Andy Wright shares on the well known story of Daniel and the Lion’s Den, from Daniel 6, and explores how this story has many parallels with the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross
David Oliver shares on Nebuchadnezzar’s Letter, from Daniel 4, and explains how our culture does not define us and that we can be confident that God will work out his purposes in all circumstances
Dave Rebbettes shares on Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, how Daniel revealed the true king and that today we can know that God is with us, from Daniel 2
Farayi Nyakubaya shares on how we can experience the presence of God in the midst of a grim situation, from Daniel 1
Nancy Bentliff introduces our new series on the book of Daniel and how the messages from the book will help us to live faithfully in strange times.
All serieS
This term we're excited to be sharing about our refreshed vision as church community.
At the beginning of 2024 we are looking at where the Spirit is moving in the Hub
In this series we share stories of inspiring people from the Bible and church history who have proclaimed the good news of Jesus in life and in words. As we connect these individual stories with our own lives, along with our values and vision in the Hub, our prayer is that we will find the courage to share our own story and make room for the Spirit of God to write new stories for us, and the church, as we follow Jesus together!
What does it look like to be the household, or family, of God? What picture does God paint in the Bible of what his church should be like? What should be our character be as God’s church today?
We occasionally invite special guest speakers to our meetings from within and outside our wider church family to share from a different perspective on what God is doing in the nation or around the world.