Our Christian heritage and identity in 1 Peter & Philippians’

This series focuses in on our identity as the Church of Christ and considers our Christian heritage through the eyes of the Apostle Paul in Philippians and Peter in 1 Peter. Peter reminds us of our identity in Christ and what that means in terms of our conduct and behaviour whilst Paul talks about how we (the Church) live as a colony of heaven. Both pick up the theme of being foreigners and exiles, the importance of unity within the body, of choosing to love one another and of putting Jesus before everything else and what this means as we live out our lives practically. In particular, Philippians helps us see these truths placed in the context of local church life. As a lead into this series, the first session picks up on some of the Old Testament narrative relating to the heritage of God’s people. Throughout this series, we’ll be looking for our own story as Hub Community Church and also Basingstoke Community Churches to be drawn out.

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Older Series

We will be adding previous Hub talk series over the coming weeks.

Older recordings (pre-Hub) are available here: